Celebrating Black History Month

June 30, 2020

Anthony Gatensby speaks to The Lawyer's Daily about new ruling on interprovincial insurance coverage

Anthony Gatensby,a lawyer in Blaneys Insurance Practice, was quoted in The Lawyer's Daily in an article entitled "Ontario Court of Appeal clarifies law on interprovincial insurance coverage, says lawyer."

The focus of the article is a recent decision by Ontario's Court of Appeal which provides greater clarity in jurisdictional disputes between insurance companies and is expected to have long-term implications for the insurance industry.

Anthony Gatensby quoted, "the decision not only influences insurance law, but will have an impact on loss transfer and priority of payment insurance arbitrations going forward...there was such a lack of clarity around how the PAU operates, particularly in cases where an accident happens outside Ontario...this decision significantly curtails what the PAU can do. It’s not a broadening of rights. This limits the ability of an insurer to seek reimbursement.”