Corporate Finance & Securities

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"repeatedly recommended" - Property Finance & Development: Toronto, Ontario, Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory

The corporate finance and securities lawyers at Blaney McMurtry have extensive experience in all aspects of securities law matters and have developed, over the years, an excellent rapport with securities regulators.

Our corporate finance/mergers and acquisitions practice, being largely transaction-based, is extensive and diverse, covering both private and public transactions. We take a practical and flexible approach to this transactional work, which has allowed us to successfully develop this area of practice over the years.

In recent years, we have been involved in a number of transactions in this field, including the following:

  • Initial Public Offerings and private placements of securities;
  • Real estate syndications (both private and public);
  • Public and private take-over and issuer bids;
  • Numerous OSC Rule 61-501 (former OSC Policy 9.1) related party and going private transactions of both publicly traded and private companies;
  • Creation and maintenance of pooled and mutual funds.

Our involvement in merchant banking, venture capital and similar financing transactions is extensive. We have acted for insurers in the establishment of a “blind pool” for investment in private enterprises. We have also represented a number of clients in financing transactions with firms such as Working Ventures, with active involvement in the negotiation of the financing documents and shareholders' agreement.

In addition to our transaction-based securities practice, we regularly act for listed publicly traded companies, securities advisers, pooled funds, financial institutions and syndicators in connection with day-to-day securities issues (including regulatory exemption requests), as well as for foreign public companies with respect to Canadian components of worldwide transactions. We have also regularly acted as securities law counsel for professional E&O insurers.

We have a long history of representing foreign investors, both in Canada and abroad. We have attended to the Canadian requirements in a number of large international acquisitions and reorganizations and, in this capacity, we have worked extensively and closely with the General Counsel’s office of a number of our international clients.
