Litigation & Advocacy

Problem Solved

Prepared to defend, but never looking for a fight, we are passionate advocates for our clients.


When it comes to litigation, there is no substitute for stand-up courtroom experience. We have it. More than half our lawyers are litigators who have logged thousands of hours in Ontario’s trial courts and appeal courts. Opponents know we won’t hesitate to take a case to trial; clients know we are forceful, fearless advocates for their best interests. Each and every day our lawyers apply the experience gained from the thousands of trials they have conducted.

Our lawyers know better than anyone how to quickly assess risk, identify winning arguments, staff leanly and get results. A very large percentage of the litigation and advocacy cases we have opened have been resolved without going to trial.

We are known for leading advocacy work in the insurance industry; however our 90+ advocates have a much broader reach. We have refined our approach, methods and the processes we developed over seven decades of serving clients with very high expectations and we've applied the best of them throughout our whole firm. We practice in an efficient manner and in doing so we create real value for all our clients. Our clients reward our work with their loyalty.