Celebrating Black History Month

November 02, 2016

Blaneys' Coffee House: November 2016

Blaneys' Coffee House
Letter from the Editors

Welcome to the first edition of our brand new newsletter, affectionately named Blaneys' Coffee House, after the eponymous Lloyd’s Coffee House (opened by Edward Lloyd, in about 1688, on Tower Street, in the historic City of London), where it all began!  A pioneer in insurance, Lloyd’s has grown over 327 years to become the world’s leading market for specialist insurance. 

Our primary goal in publishing Blaneys' Coffee House is to regularly provide you with informative, pithy summaries of cutting-edge Canadian court decisions, which we believe will have a significant impact on future Canadian claims, both defence and coverage-wise.

If you have any colleagues whom you wish to be added to our mailing list, please let us know.

We welcome any feedback on our newsletter - positive or negative.  We can take it!


Anna Casemore | Co-Editor     

Ian Epstein | Co-Editor 

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