Celebrating Black History Month

April 26-29, 2022

Après moi, le deluge (After me, the flood): A Multi-Jurisdictional Analysis of Agreements Involving Future Inheritance Rights and Legal Alternatives

Washington, D.C.

Blaneys’ Partner, Sunita Doobay, will be a speaker at the, "2022 ILS Annual Conference", hosted by the ABA International Law Section on April 26, 2022. Sunita will be a speaker on a session entitled, "Après moi, le deluge (After me, the flood): A Multi-Jurisdictional Analysis of Agreements Involving Future Inheritance Rights and Legal Alternatives". The panelists will discuss and provide insight on assorted approaches taken to inheritance rights from different jurisdictions. They will also analyze alternatives such as unilateral trusts and differences between Continental Law and Common Law Countries. They will share their experience, explaining practical cases and most common difficulties and challenges. 

 To learn more and to register click here.