Celebrating Black History Month

June 01, 2017

Insurance Institute Risk Forum 2017


Sheldon Inkol will be speaking at 'Risk Forum 2017: Hamilton/Niagara Chapter', an event comprised of structured sessions focusing on both personal and commercial lines that provides leading-edge risk information and unrestricted access to seasoned risk managers.

Sheldon will be presenting on 'Social Media and the Law: Defamation Risks'. The increased use of social media in both a business and social context gives rise to a multitude of new potential risks. Statements your client makes on social media can and might be held against them in a court of law, with the cost of litigation for this continuing to rise. Social networks can bolster a reputation, or ruin it, and your client could get caught in the crossfire. This session will arm you with the knowledge you need to better serve your clients in this space.

For more information and to register, click here.