Celebrating Black History Month

January 27, 2021

Using waivers effectively – Practical considerations to protect your organization from liability


Blaneys’ Partner, Jason Mangano, will be a speaker on a webinar entitled, "Using waivers effectively – Practical considerations to protect your organization from liability", hosted by Canadian Lawyer on January 27, 2021.

The use of waivers by businesses and organizations can be an effective tool to limit claims and damages across multiple scenarios. Greater use of technology, higher exposures to contagions and other health risks, and their increased use in employment settings have increased the frequency and use of waivers as a risk mitigation tool. What are the some of the most common and emerging uses of waivers and how can they protect you? When should you use a waiver and what should it include? How does one’s insurance coverage impact their use of waivers?

For more information about the webinar or to register, click here.